Important Dates

1 Mar: Live & Video Preliminary Registration Start 🏁

22 May: End of Peninsular & Borneo Live Preliminary Registration
πŸ“ 28 - 29 June:
Peninsular Live Preliminary @Sunway University
πŸ“ 5 - 6 July:
Borneo Live Preliminary @Sabah International Convention Centre

15 July: End of Video Preliminary Registration πŸ“Ή
9 Aug: Video Preliminary Finalists Result Announcement

πŸ“ 30 Aug - 1 Sept: Live Finals Division ONE @DPAC, Damansara Performing Art Centre
πŸ“ 5 Sept - 7 Sept:
Live Finals Division TWO @PJPAC, Petaling Jaya Performing Art Centre

πŸ“Œ Notes:
Borneo Live Preliminary, Kota Kinabalu only certain categories available:
Drums, Contemporary Piano, Classical Piano and Vocals available. (Limited slots)

Live Finals Division ONE (Categories: Classical Piano, Contemporary Piano, Violin, Ukulele & Cutie Pies)
Live Finals Division TWO (Categories: Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Drums & Band)

Rules and Regulations

Read RockFest Music Competition Rules & Regulations
to understand the competition process and criteria.

Updates & Reminders

Updates Video Preliminary Rules:

  • From 2025 onwards, videos with multi-angle switches will not be allowed. However, picture-in-picture (to show important parts such as bass kick or piano pedal) is still permitted.

  • Any video found to switch different angles will be disqualified without notice.

Updates on Categories:

  • Bass Guitar Open: This will be the only category for bass guitar and is open to all ages.

  • New Categories: We are introducing Acoustic Guitar Level 1 and Level 2.

  • Discontinued Categories: Ukulele Group Category and Ukulele Open 5 will be discontinued.

Reminder of Existing Rules:

  • All instruments, including vocals, must use only minus-one tracks without click sounds. Count-in with a click sound is allowed.

  • Click sounds are only permitted during silent sections or when no other instruments are giving tempo cues.

  • No video should be tampered with. Any rule violations will result in disqualification without notice.

Competition Structure

The Preliminary Round offers participants a choice of competing on either the digital platform or the physical platform (or both).

The top 10 finalists from the Preliminary Round will advance to the Live Finals.

Competition Categories

Open Category - Categorized by age groups; Any 1 piece

Graded Category- Categorized by level of the piece; Any 1 piece from any recognised exam board.

Performance Requirement

Participant can only perform one piece. Medleys are not allowed.

For Open, Graded and Band category, overall performance
should not exceed 6 minutes.

For Cutie Pies category, overall performance
should not exceed 2 minutes.

Competition Fees

For participants residing in Malaysia

Competition Fees

For participants residing outside of Malaysia.



Stylistic (15 Points)

  • How stylistic was the performance?

This section assesses the overall delivery to the genre.

Presentation (15 Points)

  • How confident was the performer?

  • Does the performer have showmanship?

  • Did they play within the maximum duration?

This section assesses the confidence and engagement of the performer within the stated duration of performance.

Quality of Performance (30 Points)

  • How fluent?

  • How expressive?

  • How secure?

This section assesses the fluency, emotional exploration and awareness/insight.

Musical Ability/Technique (40 Points)

  • How well was the production of the sound?

    (e.g. clarity, synchronization, pulse, expressive techniques etc.)

This section assesses the quality of execution of the performer's intention.

Selection of Song (30 Points)

**only for Open Category & Band Category

  • Elementary/Intermediate/Advanced

This section assesses the level of difficulty of the selected song.


For Cutie Pies Category Only

  • Preparedness (5pts)

  • Presentation (5pts)

  • Quality of Performance (5pts)

  • Creativity (5pts)

Preliminary Round Participation Prizes

Preliminary Rounds Participants Pack:
1. Digital β€œCertificate of Participation”
2. Online Marking Report (excluding Cutie Pies category)
3. Participation pack (1 participation medal, 1 T-shirt and goodies)

Preliminary Rounds High Scorers will receive
a printed Award Certificate:

- Meritorious Award Certificate - 70% and above
- Outstanding Award Certificate - 80% and above

Up to 10 finalists will be invited to join the Live Finals
(5 from Preliminary Video Round, 5 from Preliminary Live Rounds)

Live Finals Prizes

  1. Winners – Trophy and printed Award Certificate

    • Gold Award

    • Silver Award

    • Bronze Award

    • Rock Award

    • Rock Award

  2. For Cutie Pies Category only, the 5 winners will receive a printed certificate & a medal.

  3. Teachers of Winners will receive a printed Certificate of Recognition.

  4. Printed Excellence Award Certificate for 6th – 10th Place.

Competition Venue

For Live Preliminary Round and Live Finals

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please WhatsApp +6018-202 9268

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